Shabhaye Mafia Season 5 - Zodiac Season 2 Ghesmate 1


The fifth season of Mafia Nights Zodiac S2 Part 1 (مسابقه شب های مافیا زودیاک فصل دوم قسمت اول) has been made with a new team. Mohammad Reza Rezaiyan is the producer of this new series and Sina Durandishan is in charge of directing it. In this season, an attempt has been made to invite popular cultural, artistic and sports figures who are more familiar with the mafia game, so that more professional games can be played and the audience of the program follows this reality show with more satisfaction. It is worth mentioning that for recording new episodes of the Mafia Nights competition, a special and safe decor has been designed, which helps to improve the quality of the game and remove doubts. The process of the Mafia Nights competition is like this: Each season consists of 4 games and 12 participants, in the form of two groups “Mafia” and “Citizen” who compete with each other.